Wanted: Parents Who Rock Their Own Lives!

Dear Mom & Dad...

I don't want to be your Everything.
That's not why I'm here.

That's not what I need.

Love me, yes, 
and love me madly, 

I don't want to be your 
Only Sunshine.

I want to see the vista of You

stretching far beyond the circle 
of you and me.

I want to feel your attention spanning the horizon.
You ascending, striving, 
 & ever-growing...
You rocking your own life.

I want to see you creating new things 
and keeping your dreams.

I want to see 
how you get back up 
when you fall -- 

just like me.

Itty bitty though I am, 
I am a whole person.
And I am resting in a very BIG LOVE 
(even bigger than yours)

I am a whole person

and so are you...
even though you're big!

So BE big!  
Fascinate me!
Show me your glory!

Every day
you are
 telling me
a story...

The story of "What Adults Are."

Please don't make it boring.

My secret hope 
is that growing up

will be an outrageous adventure!

 Is it true?

I am following your gaze...

And here's the rub ~

think too much 
about me...
then I might 
think too much
about me...
something tells me 
that's not why I'm here.

What if instead...
I get to watch you 
diving into others
& loving your friends deeply--

so I know how 
to be a good friend too?

What if I get to watch you 
serving a cause with 
all your heart...
so I learn
how to carry Big Love 
like you?

My Parents,

If I'm blessed enough 
to have two of you,

there's something else 
you should know.
Your love for each other
is a thousand times more nourishing

than a steady diet

of affection
for just 
me, me, me.
(even though that's pretty great too!)

What I really want to see is


a heart can be...
You teach me the best love
when you lift off and LIVE 
with wild abandon...
When you be what YOU came here to be.

And that ultimate gift
you really, really want for me?
(i.e. to be happy)...

You plant the seeds 
of my future joy
when you show me 
what true happiness looks like...
That's a good story.

So thank you Mom,
thank you Dad,

 for being so fully, beautifully


The real you 
(still rocking your own life!)
& loving the real me...


what I always wanted
when I picked 

Wonderful You

to be my live-in storyteller!


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Last Child in the Woods

I often find myself parked on the side of the road 

in a moment of decision.

Go clean the house





Golden moments with my boy.

It isn't always easy, 
choosing to be the last child in the woods,

but today it was...perfect.

It's always a major expedition

going down to the river valley floor 

with a 3 year old.

You can't have a timeline.

They do not keep record of the fact that
the farther they go 
the farther they will have to return, 

Just the sidewalk to the field is a 10 minute excursion,

then the field to the forest edge will be another 20
because there are bottle caps to collect,

then the forest edge itself will be half an hour 
of helicoptering maple seeds and picking berries.

Interject another 10 minutes because a tractor 
is moving dirt around 
(and it simply must be supervised 
by three year old eyes)

and at last you can begin the descent.

A little object lesson arises on the hill:

There is a lovely yellow pencil hiding in the leaves.

Which quickly becomes a pencil in the hand -

 - in the hand of the boy running down the root-clad hill.

"Oh, I better take that...
if you trip and fall you will poke your eye out!"


"Davis, look at all these amazing roots you are going to need two hands to grab onto!"

I tried both.

Amazingly, his grip tightened 
with the first phrase

and loosened when his gaze 
was directed elsewhere.

The right phrase will guide the gaze.

As I said, a little object lesson...
 for me!

How shall I talk to myself?

Like a naggedy nag,

"you shouldn't be so....just stop that...
why are you always..." 
What if I just

lift my gaze instead,

to all the things I need both hands 

and my fully present soul 

to really grab on to?

What if I deep breathe, 

loosen my fingers, 

turn off the car,

and go to the wood.....

to the wide open sun drizzled lonely old wood.

Where I,

and my scallywag son

can play 

as One Child...

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